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Executive Summary

This report presents a structured methodology for ethical hacking and securing systems, specifically focusing on a vulnerable Vulnhub Virtual Machine called Mr. Robot, which hosts a WordPress site.

The process begins by creating a controlled, isolated environment to ensure safe testing without affecting live systems. Network scanning tools like Nmap identify live hosts, open ports, and available services, providing a detailed map of the target network.

The next phase involves enumeration, utilizing tools such as Gobuster and Wappalyzer to brute-force directories and identify technologies used by the target WordPress site. This information is crucial for understanding the target's infrastructure. Vulnerabilities are then identified using Nmap scripts and Nikto, which scan for outdated software like old versions of WordPress and potential security issues such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting in web servers.

Brute-force attacks use Python scripts and Hydra to guess login credentials and identify weak passwords and access points. Finally, the guide explains how to achieve a reverse shell using a PHP script or Metasploit, enabling control over the target system.

In short, the guide underlines the importance of ethical hacking and responsible disclosure. It stresses that penetration testing is vital for improving security and maintaining secure systems when conducted ethically and with responsible disclosure. Responsible disclosure is a guideline and a commitment to the community and protecting the systems we test. This commitment makes the work of a penetration tester genuinely impactful.


The report revealed several critical vulnerabilities:

Finding CVSS Score Severity Finding Name Description Recommendation
4 5 Medium WordPress Themes Multiple themes including outdated versions Update themes and remove unused ones
7 5 Low Directories/Files Various sensitive directories and files exposed Restrict access to sensitive directories and files
3 6 Medium WordPress Plugins Various plugins including outdated versions Regularly update all plugins and monitor for vulnerabilities
2 8 High SSL Info Missing security headers and outdated SSL configurations Update SSL/TLS settings and add security headers
5 8 High Configuration Issues Missing security headers and outdated PHP version Update server configurations and PHP version
1 9 High HTTP (80/tcp) - Apache HTTPD Open ports 80 and 443 running Apache HTTPD, potential entry points Ensure Apache is up-to-date and configure security headers
6 9 Critical Credentials Found Username and password retrieved (elliot/ER28-0652) Change all passwords and review user access controls
  1. Open Ports Running Outdated Apache HTTPD
  2. Open ports can serve as entry points for attackers, and outdated Apache HTTPD versions may have known security vulnerabilities. These weaknesses can be exploited to gain unauthorized access or execute arbitrary code, compromising the server's security.

  3. Missing Security Headers and Outdated SSL Configurations

  4. Security headers protect against attacks, including cross-site scripting (XSS) and clickjacking. Outdated SSL configurations can expose the system to man-in-the-middle attacks and other SSL/TLS vulnerabilities. Ensuring up-to-date SSL settings and security headers protects data integrity and confidentiality.

  5. Outdated WordPress Plugins and Themes

  6. Outdated plugins and themes are common vectors for exploitation, as they often contain unpatched vulnerabilities. Attackers can exploit these to access the WordPress site, deface it, or steal sensitive information. Regular updates and monitoring are essential to maintain site security.

  7. Configuration Issues and Outdated PHP Version

  8. Misconfigurations and outdated software versions can introduce security risks. An outdated PHP version might have unpatched vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. Proper configuration management and regular updates are critical to securing the server environment.

  9. Exposed Sensitive Directories and Files

  10. Exposing sensitive directories and files can provide attackers valuable information about the system, such as configuration details or user credentials. Restricting access to these directories and files is necessary to prevent unauthorized access and information disclosure.

  11. Retrieved Credentials

  12. The retrieval of credentials (e.g., username and password) indicates weak password policies and potential vulnerabilities in the authentication mechanism. Compromised credentials can allow attackers to gain unauthorized access, emphasizing the need for strong, unique passwords and robust access controls.

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